Modern technology is everywhere. Magical devices have flooded our homes. Smartphones never leave our hands. Apps reign supreme. All impulses are immediately met. Life has never been easier.
But this is only half of the story.
Technology comes, as all things in life do, with its terms and conditions. As usual, in the rush to enjoy some goodies, these terms and conditions are often ignored. The seamless, frictionless, immediate nature of our tech leaves little time for serious critique.
Screens are always on. Ears always plugged. Heads always down.
The remaining half of this story needs to be told.
The aim of SUBDUE YOUR TECH is simple: to call all who will listen and urge them to get serious about taking control of their tech. From its miniscule corner of the world, SUBDUE YOUR TECH joins the collective voice of all others, past and present, who have drawn light to this topic in their own unique way.
The world is rapidly changing and you cannot flee. This is not AVOID YOUR TECH, this is not DESTROY YOUR TECH, this is SUBDUE YOUR TECH. (It’s got a ring to it right? For your sake, I hope you agree. You’ll be hearing it a lot.)
My terms are non-negotiable.
Ready to get started? Great.