Who are you?
It’s not a secret per se, but I do not wish to share that information here. But just for some perspective, I am a man (shock), a Christian, writing from the UK. For some further perspective, I think nerds would call me a normie and normies would call me a nerd. I guess that means I’m pretty well adjusted.

What’s your relevant experience?
Fair question, imaginary person. To be brief, I am a mechanical engineer turned software engineer. Lifelong tinkerer and question asker. That’s about it. Oh, and I read a lot. Feel free to check the references for yourself.

Why do you hate technology?
I don’t. I love many things about technology. I just also believe that we should be using technology in a better way - in a way that puts the user first and shuns implicit abuse. Simple, right? Now never ask me this question ever again.

Why do you love the word “SUBDUE” so much?
Read Genesis 1:28. Then read the definition at the bottom of this page. SUBDUE.

Why bother making a website for all this?
There’s nothing quite like saying something yourself. Also, making this website has forced me to organise my thoughts on these matters. Having a website also keeps open the opportunity that my message may reach people I’ll never meet. And to all such unknown viewers, greetings.

Are you on social media?
No, naturally.

Uhh but you won’t reach anyone if you’re not on social media?
Social media is slave technology and, truthfully, I’m only really interested in making a local impact anyway. If I don’t know you, your loss. ;)

What is ‘slave technology’?
Simply put: any technology whose true function does not serve the user but instead works on the user and for someone else.