<< Previous: RECALIBRATE

Note: In future, this page will be full of links to other parts of the website containing detailed tutorials. I’ll do it eventually.

Now that you have recalibrated your point of reference, it’s time to officially begin. It’s time to SUBDUE YOUR TECH. But where to start?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Solutions will differ from person to person, since we all vary in age, stage of life, income, number of dependents, and definitely in technical ability.

This page aims to provide an answer to anybody looking for immediate practical suggestions. I have tried to grade these suggestions by difficulty, where “difficulty” refers to the effort and/or technical skill required:

Easy Mode

Medium Mode

Hard Mode

(For points marked * there is some additional detail in the page after next.)

Having said all that, honestly, the easiest thing to do is to just start anywhere.

I close this section with this quote from Joe Allen’s book, Dark Aeon: Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity:

" … to [be able to] retreat [from modern tech] is a luxury—one which most people … are unable to enjoy. Duty calls. For that vast majority whose responsibilities require remaining within the system, do everything in your power to impose your own will on that system … "

Gold. Joe Allen gets it.

>> Next: ASSESS